

Raspberries in the people loved and appreciated for excellent taste and delicate aroma of the fruit. She firmly settled on plots and collective gardens. After Strawberry and black currants in Russia it is the third value culture, berries which are in great demand among the population.

Wild raspberry was known to ancient Greeks and Romans. The first mention of it as cultural plant found in the works of ancient authors, belonging to the III century BC in Western Europe about Malin as the garden culture mentioned only in the 16th century, and in America in the 18th century.

In Russia the raspberries with red and white fruits began to cultivate since the 17th century, although it has long been grown in the gardens of Moscow, Novgorod, Vladimir, Suzdal, etc., which was always the desired culture. Information about her grades in Russia appeared in the beginning of XIX century in this country already bred varieties of red, yellow and black raspberry.

Spread this culture throughout the European part of Russia, in most of Siberia, in mountains of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, around the Ural, glades, where it forms huge plantations. Raspberries apply to plants nitrofil′nym-pioneers, so it first appears in the field of forest fires, cutting areas, on dry, most uncomfortable places.

Raspberry-wild or cultivated shrub of the Rosaceae family up to 1.5 m tall, with long Rhizome, developing a two-year above-ground stems.

The flowers are white with her barely perceptible pleasant aroma. Petals smaller than the sepals with many stamens and pistils. Massive flowering raspberry falls at the end of may or beginning of June (depending on the spring and place its growth) and lasts two to three weeks.

Raspberries ripen at different times, depending on the weather. You can often see the hive raspberry and ripe berries, and quite green, and flowers. But a mass gathering of berries falls on Aug.

Raspberries, grown man, has a number of advantages over the one that grows on glades, it is larger and easier to collect it. But whatever qualities nor possessed garden raspberries, it far from wild forest on which it occurred.

Berries of Wild raspberries contain about 10% of sugars, organic acids and their salts, vitamins a, b, c. seeds contain up to 22% fatty oil. The fruits of raspberry feed on many forest birds and beasts. Wild raspberry is a good honey plant: with 1 ha thickets receive 100 kg of honey.

The berries of garden raspberries contains up to 11.5% sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose), organic acids (citric, Malic acid, salicylic), tannins, pectin (up 0.9%), fibre (4-6%), anthocyanins, flavonoids, minerals and microelements (iron, potassium, copper, calcium, magnesium, cobalt, zinc), vitamins c, B1, B2, pp, folic acid, pro-vitamin a. garden raspberries contains much more than the salicylic acid in the forest, so it’s more useful for colds.

Raspberry impoverished vitamin c, but is enriched with iron. Iron in Malin more, than other fruit cultures (100 g of berries-2, 3-6 mg), cherries and gooseberries. Its seeds contain fatty oil and beta-sitosterol, nuclear protivosklerotičeskimi properties. The leaves contain flavonoids, organic acids.

Berries and wild and garden raspberries eaten fresh, with milk or cream, Cook of them jam, preserves, syrup, jelly, marmalade, jams, juice, sprinkled, make tinctures, brandy, liqueurs, wine, soft drinks, fillings for sweets, kvass, etc.

Berry also dried in warm oven or on sunny days in attics with a tin roof. Dried berries store in a dry place at banks or boxes.

Therapeutic use of raspberry

Wild raspberry

* Broth of fruits of forest raspberries has sudorific and antipyretic effect, so it is prescribed for colds.

* In many villages with a cold drink «Crimson tea», consisting of a welded top shoots of forest raspberries, with leaves, flowers and berries.

* In folk medicine use flowers, berries, leaves and the upper branches of forest raspberries. Infusions of them improves the function of the intestines, stomach, exerting antiseptic, diaphoretic, as well as analgesic, anti-inflammatory and protivorvotnoe effect.

* Raspberry is part of the repressive, vitamin, protivokashlevykh fees and teas.

* As an effective means of raspberries is widely used for the treatment of atherosclerosis, hypertension, gastritis, colitis, anemia, scurvy. You should eat on an empty stomach 1 glass of fresh berries.

* Flu, tonsillitis, colds take an infusion of the dried berries of the forest raspberries: 100 g raw materials poured 3 glasses of abrupt boiled water, insist no more than 30 minutes, then filter. Take 1 glass at night as a sudorific.

* Burns, acne, skin rashes use ointment of fresh leaves of forest raspberries: rubbed leaves, wring out juice and mixed with petroleum jelly or butter (1:4).

* Infusion of dry leaves of forest raspberries: 15 g 1 material is poured a glass of abrupt boiled water and 30 minutes.
-In case of colitis, cough, skin rashes drink this infusion of 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
-With angina the infusion of gargling 4-5 times a day.

* Fee for treatment of colds: 2 tablespoons Berry forest raspberries and 4 tablespoons oregano herb brewed with 2 glasses of boiled water and 30 minutes.
When the infusion cools, it filter through a double layer of cheesecloth and drink warmed by 0.5 cups 3-4 times a day as an expectorant and sudorific.

* Anti-cold collect: 1 tablespoon dried berries of a raspberry and 1 tablespoon dried flowers of lindens BREW 2-3 glasses of boiling water, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, cool and filter through cheesecloth. Take warm broth to 0.5 Cup 3-4 times a day.

Garden raspberry

* With colds and respiratory diseases use decoctions of the dried berries, as well as from the leaves and young branches of garden raspberries as potent analgesic and sudorific.

* Raspberry Garden is part of the labour fees. This action is due to the high content of salicylic acid in it. Particularly good in this capacity, dried raspberries, containing almost 20 times as much salicylic acid, something fresh.

* Raspberry syrup is used to improve the taste of medicines for children.

* Cold well helps tea from the dried raspberries. In the early stages of the disease it is recommended to drink before going to sleep for 1-2 hours 2 cups hot raspberry tea: BREW 2 tablespoons dry berries on 1 glass of boiled water, boil 5 minutes or 10 minutes infuse.

* Flu helps infusion of raspberries with flowered lindens (1:1). 1 tablespoon mixture BREW 1 glass kipatka insist 20 minutes and filter. Drink hot on 1 glass at night.

* When diphtheria and measles in children using a mixture of berries of a raspberry lime blossom and leaves lettuce (1:2: 1).
Pour 3 tablespoons of mixture 4 glasses kipatka insist 1:00 and filter; drink 50 g 6 times a day.

* With Angina and other inflammatory diseases in throat use broth of berries of a raspberry for poloskani.

* With Angina and inflammation of the larynx water gargling infusions raspberry leaf tea (1:20).

* Broth from Crimson leaves: make 2 tablespoons chopped dry raw materials 2 glasses of boiled water, boil 10 minutes, filter and drink hot.
-Decoction is used as an expectorant for coughs.
-This decoction helps with krovoharkanii.
-Bronchitis recommended the same broth (it should drink for 1-2 hours) or tea from a mixture of equal parts berries of a raspberry, leaves mathi-I-machehi and herb oregano (1 tablespoon mixture BREW 1 cup boiling water and drink as a tea in the form of heat).

* Broth from Crimson branches helps with cough.

* For treatment of bronchial asthma use decoctions of the roots of a raspberry: 50 g of roots, collected during flowering or late autumn, pour 0.5 l of water, boil for 30-40 minutes on low heat and take 50-70 g 3-6 times a day.
Attacks of breathlessness during treatment remove the medicamental agents. Concomitant diseases (chronic inflammation of the lungs, bronchitis) to treat generally accepted methods.

* Strengthening blood vessel walls is one of the fundamental properties of raspberry. If you are predisposed to cardiovascular disease, heart attack or stroke have transferred, try to eat as much as possible of this Berry,

* Raspberry lowers high blood pressure and blood cholesterol, cures and prevents atherosclerosis due to its fatty acids and beta-sitosterinu.

* As a restorative remedy in diseases of cardiovascular system good raspberry mixed with fruit trees and leaves of blackcurrant, cranberries and Birch (in equal parts). They brewed as tea and drink 100 grams twice a day before meals.

* To improve digestion, pain in the stomach, to increase appetite, diarrhea and as a tool in antiemetic medicine use raspberries.

* As a remedy against the heartburn, pain and heaviness in the stomach are recommending herbal potion from leaves, flowers and young twigs raspberries: 1 glass of boiled water is poured 2 tablespoons raw, insist for 1:00 and drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day through 20 minutes after eating.

* In the treatment of gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers are recommended for 15 minutes before a meal to take on -1 0.5 tablespoon raspberry juice.

* Acute diarrhea and inflammatory bowel diseases is inside water infusions raspberry leaf tea (1:20).

* Hemorrhoids recommended gadgets from the infusion of the leaves and berries of a raspberry: 2-3 tablespoons raw insist with 2 glasses of boiled water.

* Malin contains phytoncides, disastrous for Staphylococcus aureus, yeast and fungal spores.

* As a diaphoretic for colds, flu, sore throat take an infusion of dried fruits. 100 g raw materials poured 600 g kipatka insist 30 minutes, drink 1-3 cups hot at night.

* Raspberry leaves have an anti-inflammatory effect.

* Heal wounds fresh leaves.

* For bruises from dry leaves of a raspberry prepare broth for lotions.

* Inflammation of the stomach and intestines, lung, oral cavity and pharynx effective infusion of Crimson leaves.

* For acne, rashes, eczema and other skin diseases, for treatment of erysipelatous inflammations and lotions for the eyes when blefaritah and conjunctivitis inwards and naruzhno applied herbal potion from leaves and flowers. For BREW pour 1 cup boiling water 10 g dry minced raw insist 0.5 hours and filter.

* Raspberry tea-infused as a tea, the tops of the branches of raspberry leaves-used for erysipelatous inflammations of the skin.

* For Acne on the face of the national medicine uses infusions and decoctions of flowers of raspberry. When dealing with acne are useful and fresh raspberry leaves.

* Cold sores in people treated with branches of raspberry, to compress the sore spot left chewed mush from the young twigs (washed with boiled water).

* During renal colic well help baths from the collection: the leaves of raspberry-20 g, Birch branches-100 g, Lady’s mantle leaves-10 g grass sushenitsy uliginose-10 g.
BREW mix in 5 l kipatka insist 1:00, filter and pour in hot water bath.

* Thanks to these pektinam berries of a raspberry from the body excrete metabolic products.

* As a diuretic use broth from a mix of equal parts berries of a raspberry and цветков lindens cordiform: 1 tablespoon of material is poured 1 cup boiling water, boil in water bath for 30 minutes in a sealed container, cooled at room temperature for 10 minutes and filter.
Accept broth hot at night for 200 g.

* Rheumatism and polyarthritis recommended infusion of the berries of a raspberry, leaves mathi-I-machehi and herb oregano (2:2: 1). Pour 2 tablespoons of mixture 1 glass kipatka insist 1:00 and filter. Drink 50 g 4 times a day for half an hour before a meal.

* In folk medicine and water infusions raspberry leaves use at gastric and intestinal bleeding, heavy menstruation.

* Diabetes recommend regularly take juice from fresh fruits of raspberry, first by 50-70 g for half an hour before meals. With good endurance dose gradually increased to 1 Cup.

* As a vitaminized means raspberries eaten fresh. It is extremely useful for hypothesis and beriberi, with scurvy and anemia. Very useful infusion from equal parts of fruit of raspberry and wild rose.
Pour 10 g mix 1 cup boiling water, boil 15 minutes in a water bath, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes and take 70 g 2-3 times a day.

* Raspberry leaves are part of the vitamin. To make tea, mix in equal parts the leaves of raspberry, currant, blueberries and rosehips. 2 tablespoons mixture BREW 1 cup boiling water, boil for 10 minutes and insist in tightly sealed container to cool.
Filter, add sugar to taste and drink 100 grams 2 times a day.

* In Russia first drank invigorating vzvarec (vzvar), made with raspberries and cranberries.

* In folk medicine, it is believed that raspberry increases tone, relieves intoxication after alcohol, reduces headache.

* Raspberry infusion (1-1, 5 l), consumed within 2-3 hours, relieves discomfort with a hangover.

* When neurasthenia and nervousness is used as a calming infusion of the roots and ligneous stalks of raspberry.

* Raspberry tea-a great tool for removing unpleasant symptoms during menstruation and pre-menstrual period. It eliminates the spazmatičeskih pain and nausea, has a calming and tonic effect, establishes a regular menstrual cycle.

* If too heavy menstruation recommended a mixture of equal parts of raspberry leaves, oak bark, strawberry leaves, herb of potentilla goose and Yarrow.
1 tablespoon mix fill in 1 glass of hot water, insist 5-6 hours and then boil on low heat for 15 minutes.
Drink 200 grams per day for 5-8 days.

• Infusion raspberry leaf are advised to rinse the mucous membrane vagina for inflammation or lejkoree.

• Malin contains a large number of purine bases, therefore, gout and nephritis patients consume berries should not be.
• Some people have an allergic reaction to raspberries.

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