

Peach-tree height of the Rosaceae family 5-7 pm is one of the most important fruit crops subtropical and warm temperate countries. Best peach growing in the same areas as grapes.

Fruits differ smart appearance and high taste, nutritional and dietary qualities. They are large, velvety, rounded or oval-shaped, juicy, sweet and aromatic. Peaches have flesh sometimes yellow, orange or reddish. Big bone, seed, bitter almond odor.

There are two types of peaches.-downy (ordinary) and smooth (nectarines).

In mature fruits of peach contains about 83% water, up to 15% of sugars, acids (Malic, citric, tartaric, Cinchona, hloragenovaâ), nitrogen, coloring and aromatic substances (carotenoids, likopain, etc.), essential oils, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins: c (up to 20-25 mg%), group b, provitamin a (carotene).

The seeds contain fatty oil (up to 60%), Glycoside amygdalin and essential bitter almond oil.

Peaches enough and r-active substances. Their number depends on the grade: Armenian peaches vitamin r-30-40 mg%, Crimean-from 10 to 90, but in Uzbek-10 mg%.

Especially valuable are Crimean peaches fruits, which contain up to 0.2 mg% vitamin B2, and Uzbek, in which 3-8 mg% vitamin e. fruit with orange flesh contains up to 1 mg% carotene. On the iron content, Uzbek peaches surpass cherries (3-4 mg%). the contents of manganese and copper in them are also high.

Peaches are very tasty fresh. From them prepare jams, marmalades, compotes, candied fruits. Fruits with firmer flesh, which firmly holds the bone, used for canning.

Peach leaves-both fresh and frozen, have many useful properties. To prepare peach leaves for the winter, their hold over boiling water for about 10 minutes, then cooled over ice water (without dropping into the water, otherwise weakened enzyme activity).
Chilled leaves dry them on paper and cover with a cloth, then gently placed in tight ware and store in the freezer.

Therapeutic use of peach

* Peaches recommended sick and exhausted as nutritious and tonic.

* Peach juice is a useful dietary product, especially for patients and children.

* Peach seed oil is equivalent to almond and very appreciated in the pharmaceutical industry. It serves as a solvent of some drugs intended for subcutaneous and intramuscular injections. It is used for cooking liquid and ointments.

* Rheumatism and headaches take broth or fresh juice from the leaves of the Peach.

* The as diuretic urolithiasis appoint fruits and peach blossoms.

* Peach fruit increase the secretory activity of the digestive glands that help digest fat and heavy meal, as well as possess antiemetic effect.

* Diseases of a stomach with the lowered acidity and constipation you need to drink 50 g peach juice for 15-20 minutes before a meal.

* A decoction of peach leaves has a great laxative property. Drinking a few cups of this tool every day, you can get rid of constipation and intestinal gas.

* Inflammation of the bladder in males decoction of peach leaf eases pain.

* Peach flowers Broth is used as a laxative.

* Peaches contains quite a lot of potassium salts, so you must have patients with cardiac diseases with arrhythmia.

* Fresh Peach fruit stimulate hemoglobin formation. And thanks to digestible iron peaches used for anemia.

* Infusion of nucleoli of peach and peach bark of the tree is an old remedy, which has long enjoyed the African-Americans and some Amerindian tribes. This infusion helps with intermittent fever, chronic bronchitis, asthma, flu and ordinary colds.
Take on 150 g powdered bark and dried chopped peach kernels, pour a mixture of 500 g of Apple Cider vinegar and 500 g of water, cover and put in a warm place for 5 days; several times a day, slightly shaken.
Upon the expiration of 5 days bring to a boil over very low heat and evaporated until about 500 g liquid.
Then add 250 g brandy flask and store in a glass jar with ground cover.
In peach infusion contains hydrogen cyanide, in some respects, it is considered a good substitute for quinine. For the same reason, be careful: for once take inside no more than 2 tablespoons.
-Take the peach infusion as cough and expectorant for 1 tablespoon every 3-4 hours.
Peach infusion-effective anthelmintic: as such it should take 2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day.
-To relieve ear aches peach infusion can be used in the form of drops.

* Thanks to the complex of vitamins a, c and peach fruit reviews with increased susceptibility to colds: they help the organism adapt to unfavorable environmental conditions.

* Get rid of abscesses, and Carbuncles help peach leaves. Carefully mix to homogeneous weight 8 fresh leaves, a few thin slices of raw potato and raw 70 g hot boiled water. Put the hot mixture on a clean tight fabric and attached to abscess.

* When Zoster and psoriasis help fresh peach leaves, tomatoes crushed by and mixed with sweet condensed milk or brewed in boiling water and infused with the lid.

* Eczema do hot baths of broth of peach leaves.

• Due to its high content of sugars peaches are contra-indicated in diabetes and obesity.
• In allergic conditions use peaches in food is not recommended.

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