

Eggplant is a species of perennial herbaceous plants in the genus Solanum, vegetable culture.

Wild Eggplant grew in eastern India, but for more than 1500 years ago was okul′turen and was cultivated in China and Central Asia. Spread this vegetable through the Arabs, zavëzšim eggplant in Africa and in the European Mediterranean.

In Russia only got Eggplant 17-18 centuries. Not immediately, gradually, or rather a few centuries later, «dem′ânki», «badaržany», «pakistany «,» baglažany «,» podližany «and finally» sinen′ki «, as they called in Russia became common enough eggplant, vegetable, especially in southern provinces.

Call Eggplant sinen′kimi isn’t quite right, because the colour of fruits varies depending on the variety and ripeness from milky white to golden-white, from light purple to deep purple, and overripe fruit becomes greyish-green or brownish-yellow colour (kalorizator). The most delicious Raven Black oblong unripened fruit. In them, usually, few seeds and berries on taste (and thus properly called the fruit of Eggplant) gentle and helpful.

Calories: Eggplant

Calorie Eggplant is 24 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of Eggplant

It contains vitamins c, b, B2, pp and carotene. The composition of minerals composed of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and iron.

Useful properties of Eggplant

Use Eggplant reduces cholesterol in the blood, flesh of fruit contains large amounts of potassium, which normalizes the water metabolism in the body and improves the functioning of the heart muscle. Them useful typing in the diet for gout, various cardiovascular diseases, arteriosclerosis, constipation, violations of the liver and kidneys. Eggplant normalize vodno-soleva and lipid exchanges, excrete uric acid salts. Eggplant-low calorie vegetable, therefore, included in the menu of many diets.

Experts recommend Eggplant patients with gastric and intestinal diseases. Use eggplants useful for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, because reinforce deducing from an organism of cholesterol, relieve its concentration in the blood (calorizator). Eggplant showing elderly and suffering from cardiovascular diseases, causing swelling, as the high content of potassium has a beneficial effect on the heart, promotes excretion of excess fluids and water metabolism normalization.

Eggplant in cooking

Aubergines are used extensively in cooking in many countries of the world. Boiled, fried, baked, stewed, grilled, used for cooking salads baklažannyh and caviar.

Overripe Eggplant is not recommended to eat, because they contain a lot of solanine. Eating young fruits are used in the phase of technical maturity. Also to be eaten raw eggplant.

Usually all recipes require that before cooking, Eggplant has been spotted with salt to remove the bitterness. However, the majority of these days eggplants do not contain any bitter juices. But there is another reason for soaking: aubergines absorb a lot of oil when frying and salt prevents this process. Another way to «force» the Eggplant does not absorb as much oil-sliced Eggplant boil in boiling water before cooking.

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