

Dill (Anethum graveolens)


Fennel-spiced annual plant, holodostojkoe, demanding to moisture and light. Has the erect rounded stem height up to 90 cm, leaves peristorassečennye, filamentous. Blossoms in June-July, throwing out umbrellas, consisting of small flowers. The fruit is an oval flat form.


About dill has mention in ancient Egyptian inscriptions, whose age is more than 5000 years. During their trips the ancient Greeks and Romans brought it at the foot of the Alps, where he got the nowaday name «anethum». The ancient Greeks made from Greens and fennel seeds in a large number of medicines used in food. In Russia, the dill is known from the 10th century. Used it for pickling, as a condiment and in folk medicine.

Useful properties

Dill contains essential oils, pectins and flavonoids, carotene, chlorophyll, lots of vitamin c, B1, B2, B5, B9, pp, salts of potassium, phosphorus, iron, chlorogenic acid.

In dill seeds contains essential oil, cellulose, flavonoids, fatty oil, sugar, carotene, nitrogenous substances.

The application of the

Perhaps there is no more universal than spices dill. It improves the taste of the food, its appearance, stimulates appetite. This plant, which is primarily used by the Greens. It added to salads, sauces, soups, fish, meat, mushroom and vegetable dishes. It gives an excellent fragrance otvarnomu young potatoes and beans. Add dill adds zest and piquant taste best asset, cheese, cottage cheese. Umbrellas dill use when canning. Dill indirectly prevents overtreatment body salts, reducing the amount of salt in food.

Dried herbs are mixed with other herbs to get spicy mixtures. Dill seeds are used to flavor tea, vinegar, marinade.


As a therapeutic tool use Greens and fennel seeds. They are used with great success in both folk and traditional medicine. Dill has efficacy in combating cystitis and kidney diseases, is a great diuretic and cholagogue, as well as it features property enhancing secretion of the mammary glands. Dill is able for a short period of time to get rid of insomnia and headaches. An infusion of the herb fennel promotes vasodilation, relaxation of the intestines, increase diureza and lowering blood pressure.

Dill is used to combat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, improves the health of the cardiovascular system. It is also used for deposition of salts, obesity, diabetes. Decoction of fennel helps with conjunctivitis and inflammation of the eye.

Dill seeds are used as antibacterial, antispasmodic, as well as a cholagogue and laxative.


Application of dill in any kind is contraindicated in people suffering from low pressure and also during pregnancy.

Calorie and nutrition value of dill

Calories: fresh dill-40 kcal, dried-258 kcal.

Nutritional value of fresh dill: protein-2.5 g fat-0.5 g, carbohydrates-6.3 g

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