

Cauliflower many loved and appreciated for its delicate taste and usefulness. It received its name not for bright color, and for the fact that its inflorescences resemble delicate beige flowers.

Few people know the history of this wonderful vegetable. Scientists believe that this plant of the cabbage family have brought farmers in Cyprus, and it happened before our era as much as 2500 years ago. Cauliflower was popular not only in Cyprus but also in Persia, Syria, Greece, ancient Egypt. The plant was transported from there to Italy, and from this country got into Europe.

The first rated cauliflower Arabic Botany, they elaborated on this vegetable, noting the healing properties and taste of cabbage. Russia culture was brought only during the reign of Empress Catherine II. First time only nobles and members of the imperial family could afford to eat much refined vegetable (kalorizator). Plant tried to grow in the mid-latitudes of Russia, but a cold climate was a serious impediment. Later Russian breeder was withdrawn the special variety resistant to the Russian cold.

Today the cauliflower like successfully grown and happily eat across the planet. Mark Twain loved it, and even jokingly called «cabbage with a college education.

Calories: cauliflower

Calorific value of cauliflower is 30 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of cauliflower

The composition of cauliflower contains a wealth of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron, fluorine, carotene, zinc and copper. It is also a great number of valuable vitamins: a, k, c, B1, B2, B6, e, h.

Cauliflower contains biotin, fats, carbohydrates, starch, organic acids and extremely useful for human unsaturated fatty acids.

Even in this amazing and rich vegetable can be found extremely rare vitamin U, which takes an active part in the formation of enzymes.

Benefit and harm to the property of cauliflower

Cauliflower is useful in gastrointestinal diseases and in baby food, as it is easily digested and less irritating to the stomach lining.

Reduced secretory stomach function is recommended to eat meals of boiled cauliflower. When ulcers stomach or duodenal ulcer is permitted and prohibited the cauliflower white. For diseases of the liver and gallbladder of vegetables recommended only those that increase the separation of bile and promote regular bowel emptying. They include and the cauliflower. However, the presence of purine bases limits its use for gout.

Cauliflower is valued for its high taste and dietary quality.

Cauliflower cooking

At the cauliflower in a food consumed boiled heads (modified inflorescences), with butter or egg-butter sauce. Previously boiled the head you can braise or roast with meat, vegetables, potatoes, salt, marinate in its pure form or mixed with other vegetables, used in making homemade canned goods.

Young inflorescences and thicker tsvetonosnye cauliflower sprouts are used for preparation of transparent dietary broths and soups, not conceding on nutritive value and taste, the chicken bul′onam and soups. Cauliflower is a part of the frozen vegetable mixes (calorizator). Fresh young heads used in raw form, as well as add in a variety of salads, they adorn the meat and vegetable dishes.

Edible flowers and leaves also cauliflower, which is used in cooking to prepare different soups, garnishes to second dishes, as well as added to vegetable and meat salads, prepare from them separate dishes, frying in butter with breadcrumbs and eggs.

When cooking cauliflower for the preservation of white color in boiling water add a little sugar. Cabbage, otvarennaâ in mineral water, is particularly delicious.

Growing in the garden or buying cauliflower, one wonders: what you can cook a tasty cauliflower? «. So, the answer to this question you will find in our article «what to cook cauliflower.

Tips when choosing cauliflower

Qualitative cauliflower head strong and heavy, surrounded by green leaves. The presence of leaves is an indicator of freshness. Cauliflower can be white, ivory, purple hue. Color does not affect the quality and depend on growing cabbage in the Sun or in the shade. Dark spots indicate that the cabbage starts to go bad, they need to be carefully cut or abandon eating such a cabbage.

Cauliflower can be stored in refrigerators 7-10 days at a temperature of 0° c.

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