

It is found in wet soils in floodplains, on coast of the rivers and streams, among bushes, gullies and glades, where often forms solid rugged thickets due to dense standing shoots.

It is a shrub with lying or rising, often down-curved and 1992 shoots 60-150 cm long, covered with a rich bluish bloom.

Spines on the shoots thin, straight or curved, uneven. The leaves are Trifoliate, sometimes only the lower pâternye, lowered and spines planted stalks. Leaves on top of green, from below more pale color, thick fluffy. The flowers are quite large, almost 2 cm in diameter, are collected at the end of the stem and branches in corymbose rather thin brushes.

The fruits are rather large, in appearance similar to raspberries, but black and covered with grey touch, consist of a small number of large kostânoček. BlackBerry blossom in June-July, bears fruit in August-September. Its plants are distinguished by minor frost. The absence of plantations in our country is compensated partly wild thickets.

BlackBerry fruits juicy, sour taste. Chemical composition of berries: organic acids-0.96%; total sugars-4.53%; tannins and colorants -0.18%; pectic compounds-0, 37-0, 56%.

In BlackBerry fruits contain mainly citric acid found in small quantities, citric and tartaric acid. Sugars are mainly glucose and fructose, sucrose substantially less. With the maturing of fruits increased their sugar content at the expense of sucrose.

The berries are present vitamins carotene (provitamin a) -0.5 -0.8%; vitamin c- -38.0 5.0%; vitamin B1-0.033% B2-0.03%; Niacin-1.6% (on the contents of the specified vitamin BlackBerry far exceeds many fruits and berries); Vitamin k is 0.5% and others.
Contains considerable amounts of phenolic compounds kapillâroukreplâûŝego, protivosklerotičeskogo and anti-inflammatory action (anthocyanins, catechins and Flavonols, cathehins).

Used with curative purpose leaves, fruits, SAP and roots. Leaves (preferably young), harvest during flowering, fruit-ripening.

Blackberries are eaten fresh, they are used for making paste, jams, soft drinks, liqueurs, syrups, jellies and compotes.

At home processing fruit blackberries methods and apply the same recipe as for raspberries.

Therapeutic use of BlackBerry

* Accept broth from leaves at gastritises and gastric bleedings (10 г leaves on 0.5 л abrupt boiled water).

* Prepare medicinal tea: fresh leaves are placed in a closed glass or clay vessel where they are until will wither, then steam them in a water bath until they blacken, and dried in the open air. Tea prepared from these leaves, acquires aroma and flavor reminiscent of taste of Chinese tea.

* At a dysentery prepare syrup: take 500 г lumpy sugar and 250 г berries, simmered until, until it forms a thick syrup. Take 3-4 tablespoons per day.

* In the treatment of chronic catarrh of the intestines in folk medicine use BlackBerry fruit and fresh and dried leaves.

* Blackberries in the form of tea are recommended as calming and tonic, especially during menopause.

* Berries possess action allocating sweat (use as raspberries).

* Leaves find application (in the form of infusions) as a sedative in hysteria, are used in the treatment of atherosclerosis and hypertension.

* Use as a gargle with Stomatitis (inflammation of mucous membranes of the oral cavity) and tonsillitis herbal potion of leaves of a BlackBerry: take 50 g of raw materials for 1 l of boiling water insist 15-20 minutes, then filter through cheesecloth.

* Herbal potion of leaves is used in diseases of the top respiratory ways as otharkivajushchee means. 1 tablespoon crushed leaves on 1 glass of boiled water, insist 4:00 and drink 30 minutes before meals for 100 g 3-4 times a day.
When pulmonary bleeding infusion take every 2:00.

* When Dyspnea helps broth from branches of the BlackBerry.

* When the frustration of intestines apply broth from leaves containing tannins: 1 part raw materials on 10 parts of water, boil 20 minutes. Take 1 table spoon 3 times a day.

* BlackBerry leaves have wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence in them of fitontsidov. The crushed fresh leaves put to ulcers, лишаям, chronic and purulent wounds.

* If too protracted and heavy menstruation apply tinctures from leaves of a BlackBerry. Infusion improves overall health and normalizes sleep, reduces anxiety.

* Diabetes mellitus improves metabolism of BlackBerry tea leaves.

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