

Apple is a genus of fruit trees and shrubs Rosaceae subfamily Apple. Fruits-apples, usually rounded, of various sizes, colour, taste and smell, depending on the variety. The flesh is juicy.

In July begin to mature the first summer class, but most Apple’s time comes in the fall. Late varieties are stored until spring, and some-until the next harvest.

In mature Apples contain sugar (mostly fructose), pectin, vitamins c, B1, vitamin precursor a, amino acids, flavonoids (rutin, kvercetrin, etc.), organic acids (Malic, citric, tartaric), tannins, mineral salts (iron, calcium, magnesium) and micronutrients (iodine, Silicon, manganese, copper, sodium, potassium, zinc, nickel, molybdenum, cobalt), essential oils, hloragenovaâ acid, volatile.
The seeds contain up to 33% fatty oils and Glycoside amygdalin.

Between summer and autumn sugar content of apples there is no essential difference, pozdneosennie and winter grades for the most part more rich in sugars.

In immature apples also contain starch, with more winter fruit varieties that are resistant in storage. When ripe the fruit starch slowly split with the release of sugar. Winter apples at harvest often contain up to 1.5% of starch (and even more). In the edible part of the apples contain 1% sorbitol-a sweetener for diabetics.

Apples are not considered to be a rich source of vitamin c, but higher content of Ascorbic acid are different varieties of fruit, Antonovka, Grandmother Putivka Vulgaris, Cortlandt, Beuken, 250-300 g of fresh apples these varieties can meet the needs of adult vitamin c. If winter storage the content of Ascorbic acid drops. Especially when it falls sharply perezrevanii fruit.

Phenolic compounds of fruits and leaves of crabapple strengthens the walls of blood vessels, reduce their fragility and permeability, contribute to the absorption of vitamin c. comprising phenolic compounds-quercetin, epicatechin, gallokatehin and other catechins, hloragenovye acid, lejkoantociany, and in the intensely colored fruits also anthocyanins, cyanidin-mekocianin, pelargonidin.

Catechins of apples, along with pectin substances have protective action against ionizing radiation. The most rich in katehinami and antocianami small-berry apples.

Apples-one of the richest sources of pectin substances. Stand out with high content of pectin fruit, Antonovka sinapa Belarusian ordinary, Pepina šafrannogo. These substances recently attached great importance, since they have the property to some extent to bind and neutralize heavy and radioactive metals-lead, strontium, cobalt and others within the human body.

As nutrient and dietary product apples are widely used in a fresh kind. Cook from them compotes, jam, jam, jams; prepare juice, jelly, marmalade, vinegar, kvass, wine, etc.
Therapeutic use of apples

* Apples contain pectin, which delayed the development of harmful microorganisms in the gut, normalize digestion, promote excretion of cholesterol from the body.

* Therapeutic effect of apples in colitis and other intestinal diseases is due not only to the presence of pectin substances, but also rich.

* Apples have a tonic effect, therefore assigned weakened survivors severe diseases.

* Diseases of cardiovascular system, kidneys, overweight, we recommend that you systematically 1-2 times a week to arrange fasting days ( -2 1.5 kg of peeled apples per day).

* Very useful «Apple» days for workers involved in the tense mental work.

* Patients with atherosclerosis, hypertension should always include apples in the diet.

* Apples and Apple Juice are advised to eat liver, kidney, bladder, kidney stones, arthritis.

* In acute and chronic nephritis recommend eating fresh apples, as well as jelly, salad with apples and baked fruit.

* When colitis, accompanied by diarrhea, showing mature sweet pureed apples or Apple juices with pulp, for constipation the same reviews to eat on an empty stomach 1-2 fresh or baked sour Apple (fiber and organic acids increase peristalsis).

* Apples are rich in potassium salts and tannin, have a diuretic effect, delaying the formation of uric acid, so it is recommended as a prophylactic and curative remedy for gout and kidney stones.

* Useful apples at a dropsy and swellings.

* For colds, cough, hoarseness use herbal potion of leaves of Apple trees: 1 tablespoon crushed dried leaves pour 1 cup boiling water, insist 20 minutes and take 1/3 cup 4-5 times a day.

* Diabetes useful varieties of apples to low-balling and high in vitamin c.

* Obesity useful blend of juices: 100 g Apple Juice 50 g melon, 1 teaspoon of tomato and 2 tablespoons lemon juice.

* Apple tea offered in the form of heat for 3-4 cups a day with urolithiasis, gout, rheumatism, cough, hoarseness, colitis. 3 raw chopped a medium-sized Apple fill in 1 l of water, boil 10 minutes on low heat, add sugar to taste and lemon.

Patients with giperacidnym gastritis, ulcers stomach and duodenal ulcers, diskeneziej biliary tract on hypertensive type recommended for sweet varieties of apples, and persons with gipoacidnym gastritis, spastic colitis, diskeneziej biliary tract by hypokinetic type should drink sour varieties.

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