

Flavorful, juicy strawberries is a great summer treat. This Berry is originally from America, but now a large number of variations is cultivated worldwide.

Currently, strawberry scent is widely used in the cosmetic industry. But, unfortunately, in most cases, this is just the flavor, rather than extract. On the shelves you can find a huge number of shower gels, bubble bath, body creams, soaps, baby bottles of perfumes and other means with Strawberry aroma. Much rarer hygiene products with real strawberries.

Buy need dark red berries without dents if collecting from the garden-it is necessary to leave the tail because the berries remain with him longer. You can store them in the refrigerator, but they more at room temperature. You can freeze them in plastic containers a year.

Before eating strawberries can be rinsed under running tap water or simply wipe off with a paper towel. Tails cut off a sharp knife.

Calorie content of strawberries

Calorie Strawberry is 41 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of Strawberry

Strawberry is a rich source of vitamin c. in 100 grams of strawberries it contains more daily allowance. On the content of vitamin c. strawberry is second only to black currants do. In five medium-sized berries contain vitamin c as much as one large orange. And folic acid in strawberries more than raspberries, and grapes.

Useful properties of Strawberry

If every day to eat these berries, strengthens the immune system and the vascular walls.

Strawberry has potent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Therefore, when a sick stomach her prescribed as medicine. Antimicrobial properties of strawberries are used to treat inflammatory diseases of nasopharynx and eliminate bad breath. Strawberry inhibits the development of influenza virus. The presence of iodine compensates for its lack of daily food and drinking water (kalorizator). Strawberry has saharoponižaûŝim effect. So it includes meals for patients with diabetes mellitus. Reception of prandial 4-6 tablespoons of fresh Strawberry juice helps with cholelithiasis.

In diseases of the kidneys and urinary system, we recommend that you use the whole season strawberries. It is better to eat every day at least 400 grams. In all renal illnesses should drink a decoction of the roots of strawberry. Strawberry is a natural diuretic and soothing acts on the liver. Therefore, rheumatism and diseases of the liver are recommended to use the strawberry diet. During the week you need daily to eat 1.5 kilograms of berries. Salicylic acid contained in Berry, helps with pain in joints. Strawberry lets you fill the iron deficiency anemia. This is, after all, and tested a folk remedy in the treatment of eczema, Diathesis, skin rashes, minor sores. You just need to apply a mush of strawberries on the sore spot. Strawberries and a decoction of its leaves normalize metabolism and blood pressure, relieve insomnia. Strawberry is an excellent preventive means from diseases such as atherosclerosis and hypertension.

There is a strawberry diet. Three days during the month you want to eat this delicious Berry. It can be eaten without any restrictions, if not prevent allergies.

Harm and contraindications of Strawberry

Strawberry is a strong allergen. People prone to allergies need to reduce its consumption. Or drink it any sour milk product (calorizator). Strawberry is also contraindicated in gastric hypersecretion, prolonged gastric and liver kolikah and appendicitis. Young children and pregnant women and drinks from her strawberries leaves should be consumed with caution.

Strawberry in cooking

Strawberries can be prepared very diverse, it is wonderful by itself or in varen′âh, desserts or cakes.

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