Red currant


Red currants were beloplodnye and includes grades.

These berries have their significant merits that are absent in black currant. Red currant, compared with black, giving a much larger harvest, less exacting to growing conditions, more durable and not suffer from the mahrovosti and the počkovogo mite. It is therefore advisable to devote 10% of this culture of the land area of the total plantings of all Berry crops.

Red and white currant berries contain significant quantities of organic acids and sugars, the combination of which makes a nice, refreshing taste. On the content of Ascorbic acid and phenolic compounds (cathehins, catechins, anthocyanins, flavonol) they concede black currants do. Redcurrant berries found -0.5 0.2 mg/100 g in-carotene, white currant them significantly poorer (0.04 mg/100 g).

Unlike many fruits and berries red and white currants are relatively rich in biotin (2.5 ug/100 g) and folic acid (3-5 g/100 g). But the latest index it is still inferior to strawberries garden, black currants do, Sea buckthorn, raspberries, peaches and especially grenade.

Dried red and white currant berries found a significant amount of iodine (16-26 µg/100 g), far more than the black currant (6-7 UG/100 g).

From the red and white currant berries are getting a wonderful juice. It is being pressed for 10% more than from the berries of a black currant. From the juice cooked a wonderful jelly, marmalade, refreshing ice cream, etc. Wines and liquors, particularly from white currants, considered the best among other fruit drinks of this type.
Good and compotes, jam, but berries are cooked rare. This is due to the presence of relatively large fruit and hard seeds.

Therapeutic use of currants

Red and white currants

* Therapeutic use of red and white currant berries. Fresh fruit, as well as products of their processing improves the appetite, increase the digestibility of nutrients, a couple of exacerbate irritative bowel.

* Juice has a refreshing taste and is especially recommended for lihoradâŝim patients. It is popularly consumed as a sudorific.

* Red currant Juice consider useful in urolithiasis, because it promotes the excretion of urates (salts of uric acid).

Black currant is contraindicated in hypersensitivity to this plant, gastritis and peptic ulcers.

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