KARDEL: grown and frozen in Moldova
In the agrarian country Moldova several times already run projects for shock freezing fruits and vegetables. And every time they ended in failure.
The causes of these failures were sufficiently described in detail in the article «Why projects fail in Moldova manufacture of frozen berries and fruit?». This lack of raw materials suitable for the production of it is frozen foods; plain packaging, inside which, moreover, sometimes you can find ice cubes; low demand in the domestic market. The listed can be add low interest from foreign investors, who need large-scale production and large commodity party, which our farmers and to this day not able.
However, it is already the third season on all networks of Moldovan supermarkets can be found, and in a fairly wide range, locally grown fruit and vegetables exactly in Moldova, frozen and packed.
Built this business, while completely focused on the domestic market of the country, Moldovan-Jordanian JOINT VENTURE Faher, producing products under the brand name Kardel.
«We have tried to take into account the negative experience of our predecessors,» says production Director Dmitry Kolcišor. -Primarily, purchased line shock freezing European production of the latest generation.
Signed contracts with three companies (in the center of Moldova, in the North and the South) who were involved in the purchase of agricultural products from farmers. And formulated requirements so: we only need quality products of certain varieties and types, sorted. Even though they are more expensive.
Plus introduced its own acceptance control products, ruthlessly rejecting something that doesn’t match the settings specified in the treaties.
The second season we have already begun to contract themselves with those farmers who had agreed to cooperate with us. Gave them seeds and varieties we want bought vintage in advance stipulated prices.
The effectiveness of this approach was evident this summer. In the year 2013 was a good crop, and a crisis of overproduction. Farmers were forced to sell their produce for a pittance. As a result, many in the year 2014 is not generally become nothing to plant. Because of this, prices for some products have grown this summer at 30-40% compared with the previous year. Many farmers, by contrast, came under Russian embargo and also suffered significant losses.
Those farmers who want to be confident in the future, made conclusions. As a result, by the year 2015 we almost completely 2 all our needs according to the scheme, to which I referred. That is, we will have exactly what raw materials that we need and at prices that suit you and us, and farmers.
The second problem is the packaging. We immediately abandoned the idea of selling the products in the package opaque Kardel. We pack it in 300-400 g transparent packages so that the buyer can see the quality of the product itself and the lack of ice in it. And the packages put in bright cardboard boxes that bear the detailed information about the content and provides recipes for dishes from it.
Today we are releasing about 30 kinds of products. Vegetables: pepper slices and stuffing; green peas; cauliflower; young potatoes; Green beans; pumpkin cut; broccoli. Novelties of the season-frozen frozen dill and green onions (this product is not even in European stores is our know-how).
A mixture of: vegetables for roasting; Spring vegetables; Lecho; stew; Garnish with Zucchini; Garnish with Eggplant; vegetable soup; Home-style vegetables.
Semi-finished products: Roasted Peppers and roasted eggplant (cooked on fire «smoky).
Fruits: cherries pitted, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, red and black currant, peach, Plum, Apple. Moreover apples are going precisely in the season (in September), at the same time, cleaned, cut fine strips and frozen to preserve them and taste and aroma, and vitamins. This product is intended primarily for the preparation of placint.
In addition to the above, we produce 23 items freezing in bulk. Including corn on the cob. We purchase and freeze on «milk» stage.
In general the technology shock frosts, it seems to me this is already known to all, lets keep the products in the maximum amount of nutrients. And uniquely useful buy winter fruits and vegetables grown in Moldova in the ground without herbicides and pesticides than hothouse gidroponnuû products. And in typical freezing in the refrigerator will not be able to achieve this effect, you need «shock» technology.
And we see that buyers are beginning to understand this, demand for Kardel actively grows. Anyone coming in February, for example, in the supermarket, with a calculator can calculate how much it will cost cooking vegetable garnish of so-called fresh vegetables placed there (and which part of them gone to waste), and how much will it cost ready set of Kardel. All the more so as we have worked and are working at the minimum level of profitability «.
Export products JV Faher isn’t going to. «We are focused on the domestic market of Moldova and we adjust under the tastes and needs of domestic buyers,» said Dmitry Kolcišor.
Another novelty of the coming season 2014-2015 from trademark KARDEL: on the website of the company opened an online store where you can order a frozen foods delivered to your door. Price: pitted cherries-62 Lei/kg; raspberry, BlackBerry, strawberry, currant-92 Lei/kg; corn on the cob-27 Lei/kg; mixed vegetables-from 8.90 to 13.46 Lei per 400 g box. Free shipping starts from the order in the amount of 250 lei.
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